CALL : 01773 602401

67 Main Road - Leabrooks - Alfreton - DE55 1LA
Charity No: 1052634
In Fellowship with Assemblies of God in Great Britain

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WE BELIEVE that the Bible is God's WORD. It is accurate, authoritative and applicable to our everyday lives.


WE BELIEVE in one eternal God who is the creator of all things. He exists in three persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.


WE BELIEVE that sin has separated each person from God and from His purpose for our lives.


WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man, and is the only One who can reconcile us to God.


WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ lived a sinless and perfect life and that He died on a cross in our place taking the punishment for our sin, three days later He rose again declaring victory over sin, sickness and death.


WE BELIEVE that for us to receive forgiveness for our sin and the new life Jesus promised, we must repent of our sin (that is to say sorry). We make the decision to turn away from living life to please ourselves and to give our lives to Jesus and to commit to living His way.


WE BELIEVE in water baptism as a public declaration that our old life is buried and we are living in the new life.


WE BELIEVE in the power and baptism of the Holy Spirit to help and empower us to live as followers and witnesses of Jesus Christ. Using the spiritual gifts He gives, including speaking in new tongues.


WE BELIEVE the Church is the bride of Christ and that Jesus is coming back for those who love Him.


WE BELIEVE that our eternal destination is decided by our response to Jesus whilst we are alive and not by God when we die.